Class of 2022
2022: Reflecting on 2022: Growth, Milestones, and Gratitude
As we look back on 2022, we’re overwhelmed with gratitude for how much the GGA family has grown. What began as a small effort has blossomed into something we couldn’t have imagined back in 2017.
Despite the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, we were thrilled to place so many retired racing greyhounds into their forever homes this year. A milestone we’re incredibly proud of: in 2022, GGA matched our 100th hound and home! Reaching this point is a dream come true, made possible by the dedication and love of our adopters, fosters, and supporters.
In 2022, we partnered with Bluegrass Greyhound Adoption, Greyhound Pets of America - Nashville, and Going Home Greyhound to help find retired racing greyhounds their balanced forever home.
The updates we receive from you—photos, stories, and messages—bring so much joy to us and your greyhound’s racing and kennel families. This connection is what makes GGA special.
2022 wasn’t without its challenges, though. We lost some cherished friends and family this year. Your support during those difficult times meant the world to us and helped us find strength in our shared love for these incredible hounds.
As we step into 2023, we’re excited to continue growing the GGA family. With a list of retirees already waiting to come “North of the 49th” and join our foster care program, we’re ready to match even more hounds with their perfect homes.
Thank you—for opening your homes and hearts to these special athletes. Each placement reminds us of the incredible community that makes GGA possible.
The GGA Family
To view all photos in the adoptee's gallery, tap the arrow on either side of the image.

Lucy (Lakilanni Out Of The Blue)
The Sereda Family
Gotcha Day - January 4, 2022
It has been a busy year with some significant changes for our sweet Lucy Goose, now lovingly called "Goose". She lost her sister Daisy in February after months of being the best and most nurturing sister to her. They have been two peas in a pod since Lucy came to us from CGA in 2022, at the ripe age of 5 and a half. Unbeknownst to us the time of her adoption, we learned Daisy and Lucy were cousins, having come from the same breeder, several years apart. We also moved to the seaside community of Brooklyn Nova Scotia, which has been wonderful for Goose. With several sandy beaches close by, she discovered that running along the shore as the waves roll past her feet, is one of her most favourite things to do year round. She donned her party hat and celebrated the big 8 this past summer, with coconut cream pie on the back deck, which we built a big fence around so she could run and play off leash. The best part about Goose's new home is meeting her new best friend who lives a couple doors down - Diamond the Greyhound! All in all, she's living her best life on the east coast and we can only imagine the adventures we'll share together in years to come.
Luka (Pruvit)
The Cashin Family
Gotcha Day - January 4, 2022
Luka is still loving his life here in Kingston! He hasn't quite accepted that he's a middle aged boy - he would much rather pretend he's still a puppy and zoom around the house and yard. Not that it's a bad thing! He has, however, finally grown to like car rides. They usually mean adventures, like walks in the woods, or even better, visits with the grandparents who think Luka can never have enough beds and blankets to sleep on. We're very happy Luka is in our lives!
Carlos (Amf Odd Senator)
The MacKinnon Family
Gotcha Day - January 8, 2022
So Carlos has had a rather quiet year. He is still a very cautious, nervous boy who is still slowly getting more brave. He is letting a few more people pet him and had his first walk with a dog walker which was quite successful. He gets excited to go out for walks and does some great teeth chatters. It's also great how much he loves to ride in the van. We love how much of a loving boy he is, especially how much he loves his Daddy. Every night he comes to bed, if Craig isn't there right away, Carlos waits for Craig to tuck him in. Carlos curls into his bed and Craig adjusts his pillow and covers him up with his blanket and then he settles in for the night. We are very thankful we were able to give him a home where he can feel relaxed and be himself. We love him so much!
Roc (Js Roc A Feller)
The Robertson Family
Gotcha Day - January 14, 2022
Tripper (Fgf Jacktripper)
The Hunter Family
Gotcha Day - January 28, 2022
Tack (Bold Attack)
The Bailey Family
Gotcha Day - January 30, 2022
Tack continues to thrive in retirement. He is such a sweet goofball! His favourite pastimes include snuggling while watching TV, snoozing in sun-puddles and running around like a maniac in the backyard.
The children dote on him! This year brings new responsibility for our 11 year old, he is in charge of morning potty time in the backyard, feeding and crating Tack for the day -both seem to be enjoying this partnership!
He has also been a great ambassa-dog while on walks, he is SO friendly and well behaved!
We love him to bits!
Joey (Bigjoemufferaw)
The Corbeil & Barry Family
Gotcha Day - February 5, 2022
We have had Joey for two and a half years now and he continues to amaze us with his budding confidence and cheerful disposition.
Over the last month he has finally mastered the couch and looks so proud of himself as he picks his desired spot to nap. He still hasn't roached but hopefully that's still coming! He continues to be very respectful of our 9 year old senior grey, Shadow and loves meeting up with other sighthounds for walks.
Flash (Bold Flash)
The Newman Family
Gotcha Day - February 21, 2022
Rush (Kayjay Gold Rush)
The Burton & Randell Family
Gotcha Day - February 21, 2022
Rebel (Rebelicious)
The Chadjiioannou Family
Gotcha Day - March 2, 2022
Simon (Ww Slick Simon)
The Urlando Family
Gotcha Day - March 5, 2022
Simon is doing well in retirement. He continues to be a happy go lucky boy who makes so many friends wherever he goes. He's definitely a master of puppy dog eyes. And when he spots someone willing to give him a scratch, he returns the love with a heavy lean. He also lives up to the "Slick" name by making moves like sneaking in a kiss and even gently jumping up to place his paws on the shoulders of some special loved ones. He is the sweetest dog. I feel lucky every day that I get to spend with him. Lately, with all the fall leaves covering the ground, Simon has been especially enjoying meandering walks where he can thoroughly sniff under every one.
Fondu (Amf Base Ball)
The Patrick Family
Gotcha Day - March 6, 2022
Fondu is great, he's living the dream! He's been busy making new friends when he's not at home sleeping (which is most of the time).
Tuffy (Mj Tuff Love)
The Sloss & Gath Family
Gotcha Day - March 20, 2022
Over the past year, Tuffy has continued to enjoy his retirement and has been living life to the fullest. Tuffy fills our lives with so much love, silly entertainment and cuddles. He loves his walks, adventures, greyhound playdates, playing with his stuffed animals, and most of all cuddling with his humans on the couch. We are truly grateful to have Tuffy in our lives.
Mitch (Amf Bystander)
The Renton Family
Gotcha Day - April 2, 2022
Mitch is doing great/ Earlier in the summer he lost his big sister Wallis, you can see her in one of the shots walking with Mitch and Ajax. Whenever we walk, Mitch always takes a little rest in the same spot. He takes his stuffies very seriously!
Tarzan (Amf Goin Around)
The Irwin & Masoudian Family
Gotcha Day - April 5, 2022
Tarzan continues to live life to its fullest! When not sleeping in one of the five beds he has to his name, the Good Boy has had a year full of adventures. This includes many sniffaris, accompanying his pawrents to outdoor markets (snackies guaranteed), a backcountry camping trip in which he experienced (and loved!) canoeing, and lots of swimming. Here’s to another greyt year!
Max (Maximus)
The Hannah-Suarez Family
Gotcha Day - May 7, 2022
Vesta (Blood Red Sky)
The Shupe Family
Gotcha Day - May 15, 2022
We had a quieter year with our pups. We sold our boat this spring as although Vesta and Shanee (Look To The Sky, GGA Class of 2022) tolerated it with patience. It was not their favourite place to hang out.They love the comfort of their 6 beds at home to relax and daily walks in our neighborhood parks.We spent a month in Florida in March and continue to be the best 4 legged travellers ever!Health continues to be good as littermates, they turned 8 in August celebrated with a huge steak and dog birthday cookies. They make us laugh every day with unique individual personalities. They are our greatest joy. We love you endlessly.
Electric (Cg's Electric)
The Harris Family
Gotcha Day - May 29, 2022
Diana (Bold Diana)
The Wilkin & Mateus Family
Gotcha Day - July 2, 2022
Diana continues to be the apple of our eye and brings much joy to our family and friends. She still surprises us after three years, taking her time to slowly but confidently reveal more layers to her endless personality. This year has been filled with GO Train trips, bottomless naps and further additions to the stuffy collection.
Velvet (Ctw Red Velvet)
The Bauman Family
Gotcha Day - July 3, 2022
Velvet has been having a great time in retirement! She has really come out of her shell the past year. She has gained a new appreciation for zooming circles around the backyard followed by lounging in the grass. Although she has a few less teeth this year, that has not affected her love of snacks (cheese and pumpkin pie seem to be a favourite). All in all she is doing great and we are happy to have her in our family!
Plane (Go On Plane)
The McNeely Family
Gotcha Day - July 15, 2022
Jeff (Jeff Mc Intosh)
The van Zyl Family
Gotcha Day - July 16, 2022
This year in the life of Jeff has been most wonderful. We are in year three of adoption and everyday he brings something new to the adventure, he chatters and roaches non stop, even when he verbalizes a grumble he chatters right through. He has made our new to us older home, his, he enjoys his backyard and the interactions with squirrels, chipmunks and birds. He makes crazy big zoomies and enjoys a good game of Chicken. Dad is his favourite but make no mistake he's a mamas boy. He's aloof with strangers, loves his people, especially all the grand 2 leggers. He is such a good boy, he listens well, loves morning snuggles on the bed, interacts well with other doggos and loves to eat.
My name is: Jeff McIntosh
My Nickname is: Bubby, Monkey Noodle, baby Jeff, Jefferoni
My breed is: Greyhound
My age is: 5 years & 4 months
My favorite hooman food: Any crunchy veggies, cheese, anything that mom is eating
My biggest fear: Missing out on a car ride
My favorite thing to do: car rides, roach, Starbucks for a pup cup, zoomies, hanging with my buddy Rawley
What I hate the most: my front feet being touched and inflatables on the neighbours lawns.
Where do I sleep?: on my slumber ball bedside 2 leggers bed, on two leggers bed, on my hammock.
Do I love car rides?:
Do I snore: no but I run in my sleep and growl at the bugs in my head.
Shane (Look To The Sky)
The Shupe Family
Gotcha Day - August 8, 2022
We had a quieter year with our pups. We sold our boat this spring as although Vesta (Blood Red Sky, GGA Class of 2022) and Shanee tolerated it with patience. It was not their favourite place to hang out.They love the comfort of their 6 beds at home to relax and daily walks in our neighborhood parks.We spent a month in Florida in March and continue to be the best 4 legged travellers ever!Health continues to be good as littermates, they turned 8 in August celebrated with a huge steak and dog birthday cookies. They make us laugh every day with unique individual personalities. They are our greatest joy. We love you endlessly.
Diddy (Diddy Do Dat)
The Suderman Family
Gotcha Day - August 11, 2022
Twister (Tnt Twister City)
The McCall Family
Gotcha Day - September 3, 2022
Twister loves the beach and watching Sandpipers in Myrtle Beach.
Gunn (Js Top Gun)
The Allen Family
Gotcha Day - Spetember 9, 2022
Gunn was such a good boy on the 15h commute to his new home in NB. Slept with his greyhound brother Roman most of the way aside from their rest stops. He just loves running around his new fenced in yard and exploring the rest of the yard while on leash.
We still have to Gunner proof the house if we step outside. He LOVES to get into anything that is in a plastic bag. Whether it be toilet paper, hot dog buns or even has gone into a grocery bag and carried a can of Pasta sauce to his bed. Truth be told we couldn’t possibly love this sweet bulldozer anymore than we already do!
Gogo (Gone To Thefront)
The Hubert Family
Gotcha Day - September 14, 2022
Here are our partners in crime both suited up in their tuxedo attire! East Coast black and white. Ivy and GoGo are happy to report that the beds are comfy, car rides are Grey’t, treats are tasty and the exercise and scritches are fab!
Fiesty (Semper Fiesty)
The Levine & Lavallee Family
Gotcha Day - November 18, 2022
Fiesty always enjoys her morning walks to Marie Curtiss Park and on the beach along Lake Ontario, as well as any other walk that is offered to her during the day. She loves meeting other dogs and their respective two leggers, and is always happy. She is not keen on getting up in the morning when it is dark outside (wise dog) so in the winter she is the last one up.
She likes to hide stuff. When she does not feel like eating her food right away, she flips her bowl upside down in her crate and cover it with the mat. She also likes to hide her toys. Once, she went to great length to hide my niece`s dog ’s stuffed squirrel in a shipping box, taking care to pull some paper out, put the toy in, and cover it with paper. I expected her to ask for a pen to write her address on the box to ship it to herself.
Fiesty likes going for walks in High Park with the Junction Greyhounds group, including the Great Global Greyhound Walk. She always wants to be the first in front of the pack. Despite being retired, she still have that competitive spirit!
Fiesty still has not learned to bark despite a long pawcation with Sugar and Faulty. Maybe that will be her New Year`s resolution!
Holdie (Xk Hold On)
The Hennin Family
Gotcha Day - November 29, 2022
Holdie, with her spunky and sassy attitide, is always keeping everyone on their toes! With her lively personality and playful antics, she brings a spark of joy to every room. She's not afraid to give a little sass, especially when it's time for a walk or a treat-she'll "talk back" with the cutest little barks or huffs. But after all the fun, Holdie's favorite place is curled up beside her humans, soaking up all the cuddles she can get. This sweetheart is equal parts sass and snuggles. I can honestly say, everyone loves Holdie!
Glover (Gloves Off)
The Roberts & Dougan Family
Gotcha Day - December 2, 2022
Glover was called to the Rainbow Bridge on August 31, 2023 after a fit of repeated seizures.