Class of 2021
Reflecting on 2021: A Year of Growth, New Beginnings, and Gratitude
As we look back on 2021, we are filled with immense joy and gratitude for the many hounds and homes that have joined the GGA family. It has been a true pleasure getting to know our new members and watching all of our graduates thrive in their forever homes. Your updates continue to bring smiles to us, as well as to your greyhounds’ racing and kennel families. We want to express our deepest thanks to all of you for giving our special diamonds a place in your home and heart. The bond between adopters, greyhounds, and the racing community is something truly unique, and we are honoured to be part of it.
While COVID-19 certainly presented many obstacles, GGA was thrilled to continue placing so many retired greyhounds into their forever homes. Your unwavering support and trust have made this possible, and we are so grateful for it.
In 2021, GGA partnered with Greyhound Pet Adoption Florida Southeast (GPA FL SE), Greyhound Retirement Adoption Care and Education (GRACE), Greyhound Welfare, GreyHeart Greyhound Adoption of Michigan, and God's Greyt Angel Adoption.
As we move into 2022, we are excited to welcome even more retirees into our foster care program. With a growing list of retirees eager to come "North of the 49th", we can’t wait to continue matching these incredible hounds with their perfect homes. The GGA family is expanding, and we look forward to sharing even more stories of success and joy in the year ahead.
The GGA Family
To view all photos in the adoptee's gallery, tap the arrow on either side of the image.

Ranger (Rs's Hammerdown)
The Wang Family
Gotcha Day - January 11, 2021
Ranger had another great year. When he’s not being spoiled with endless pets and treats from his grandparents, Ranger loves exploring the neighbourhood trails at Sunnybrook Park with his humans. At home, he’s constantly on squirrel and raccoon patrol, interrupted by the occasional zoomie. Although he’s never caught any furry intruders, his enthusiasm never wanes. Ranger’s playful spirit and love for adventure continue to bring joy to his family every day!
Roscoe (Windy Rosco)
The Parker Family
Gotcha Day - January 13, 2021
Roo roo, roo roo roo, friends and fellow hounds! This has been a big year - again. I love the backyard at our new place. Plenty of space to run and dig. Sometimes I get in trouble for digging. I'm never quite sure why. It's such a perfect digging spot, but there's always a lot of the word "garden." Our basement had a leak in June so the home has been in turmoil. I had to spend so much time in the living room, but I've finally been reunited with my family in the new sleeping rooms. Throughout the construction, I did a bang up job of protecting the home, alerting all within hearing distance of any intruders. Eventually, I came to know two of the contractors as family, and was able to relax when they were visiting. I continue to visit with Count for occasional sleepovers and loved gathering with more than 20 other hounds (at least 12 should be in this newsletter) for the Great Global Greyhound Walk this past fall. It's always lovely to hear from you all. I wish you a wonderful Howliday Season and a Happy Roo Year!
Google (Pat C Google It)
The da Costa & Willett Family
Gotcha Day - January 13, 2021
Hello everyone! It’s me, Google—the 6-year-old brindle bundle of bounciness! I’ve been having a fantastic time lately, soaking up the good life! Over all, my health has been good, and my healed broken leg from my track days has not held me back in the least! That said, I have been having a few extra health checkups lately to make sure I’m in tip-top shape, as my tummy and kidneys have been doing some funny things. Don’t worry, though! I’m in greyt hands with the vets here in Ottawa, and they’re sorting everything out with me and keeping me feeling good! I’ve had my fair share of adventures, too! When I'm not at home snuggling with my pack or eviscerating my stuffies and throwing "fluff" everywhere, I'm frolicking in our meadow or exploring the forest, where I love to run (of course), sniff all the smells, and join the local deer in munching on grass. But the real highlight? The beach! I’ve discovered a new love for the water—not exactly swimming, but I do like to lay down in it and take a big drink. It’s almost like I’m multitasking, getting cooled off and hydrated at the same time! Another favourite thing of mine (and it happens quite often here with so many hoomans in the house) is birthday parties! Whenever I hear the “Happy Birthday” song, I just can’t help myself—I have to join in with my big, happy “roo!” It makes me so excited and happy to be part of the celebration. No birthday is complete without my enthusiastic howling to the tune—it’s my special way of showing how much I love being a part of my pack! When I’m not adventuring, I’ve been spoiling myself with vacation getaways to Auntie BJ’s house, where I get to hang out with my cousin Freeze. We play, we cuddle, and let’s just say—I’m definitely the spoiled one. The treats flow like rivers, and the love is endless. Oh, and did I mention I went cabin camping this year? Two weeks in the great outdoors! I did so well, even when a couple of storms made us all cooped up inside. Honestly, it was kind of fun—snuggling up and listening to the rain while dreaming of the next big adventure! In the fall, a special guest arrived—a porcupine! She stayed for about 2.5 weeks, and I really wanted to be her friend. My nose was on high alert, but sadly, she didn’t quite feel the same. Maybe next time! Through it all, I’m getting even more snuggly and playful as time goes on. Life’s been amazing, and I can’t wait for more adventures with my favorite humans. Thanks for keeping up with me—sending tail wags and happy sniffs to all my fellow greyhounds! With love, wags, and chatters, Google
King (Sandy King)
The Krause & Evans Family
Gotcha Day - January 23, 2021
It was a year of change for our Stripey Boy this year as we sadly had to bid farewell to Guinness, his Brother from Another Mother, leaving King to learn about and grow into his role as a solo hound for the first time. It’s only been a few months but we’re relieved to note that he’s finding his way and gaining confidence and joy little by little each day. We’re so happy to see the return of his sweet smile and occasional mini-Zoomie and continue to give him love and grace as we all heal from our loss together. This year King has confirmed that he is a champion snuggler and that his favourite place is with his head in the lap of one of his humans. His second favourite is pretty well anywhere his humans are, especially if there is a sun bath to be had. Despite a chronic limp whose resolution continues to allude the most caring and diligent vets and therapists alike, King happily embarks on his morning walks along Kingston’s waterfront, meeting the many folks who give him head rubs (“Oh he’s so soft!) and the occasional biscuit (bonus!). He’s even starting to be curious about the other dogs he meets, large or small, and now greets the familiar ones with perky ears and a happy tail. Overall, King remains a charming, beautiful, gentle giant that fills our home with greyt sweetness and even greyter love.
Ajax (Hashtag Ajax)
The Yao-Lazaris Family
Gotcha Day - February 20, 2021
Ajax is doing very well and continues to live his best retired life. He still cares about one thing and one thing only, the love of his life- eggs. Last Feb, he had 7 of his teeth pulled out but has made a swift recovery and is happier than ever. He’s also made some friends with the other dogs in the neighbourhood and they are always on patrol to protect everyone from squirrels.
Versace (Tk Versace)
The Mathias Family
Gotcha Day - March 6, 2021
Versace was called to the Rainbow Bridge on January 24, 2024, after discovering a cancerous mass on his neck.
Dixie Away (Shes Got A Way)
The Dawe Family
Gotcha Day - March 6, 2021
Dixie Away was called to the Rainbow Bridge on March 13, 2024 after a diagnosis of osteosarcoma.
Lexi (Kd's Lexi)
The Bird & Mills Family
Gotcha Day - March 11, 2021
Lexi continues to enjoy her retirement out west in Calgary. She loves the many, many parks (and smells) that she gets to go to our here. She is also adjusting to our new two-legger. She is sweet and brings a stuffy to Jack when he cries. She also tries to steal his stuffy's so there might be a problem down the road.
Mini (Ja's Minute) and Myrtle (Ja's Hour)
The Scowcroft Family
Gotcha Day - March 13, 2021
Mini and Myrtle are doing great! They keep us on a strict routine but they do let me sleep in an extra 15 minutes from time to time. Mini has a lot of important neighbourhood sniffing to keep up with so schedule delays can really affect how much work she gets done. Myrtle remains deeply skeptical of human furniture (as pictured).
Deuce (Sandy Deuce)
The Pearson Family
Gotcha Day - March 22, 2021
Deuce the Moose is doing great, he's slowing down a little at 7 and a half, but still healthy and doing big sprints, he even accidentally caught a wild rabbit the other day! Whoops! He let it free though, very merciful. He's reacted very maturely and responsibly to his new older brother duties, and he's very good about giving her space and being calm and polite. His favourite things are beef, his squeaky rainbow sloth, and being the little spoon.
Birley (Birley)
The Hunter Family
Gotcha Day - March 28, 2021
Birley continues to enjoy retirement. He is still very active and loves going to the trail, playing with toys and running out his zoomies in the yard. We leaned that Birley loves to cool down in the water on the hot days so he got his very own doggy pool this summer. Birley continues to love car rides, snacks, and people especially when they pet him. He is such a sweet, funny boy and we’re so lucky to have him in our lives
Max (Vj Made For This)
The Taylor Family
Gotcha Day - April 17, 2021
Arlow (Amf Uncle Paul)
The Mendoza & Hemeon Family
Gotcha Day - April 20, 2021
Arlow was called to the Rainbow Bridge on April 23, 2021 after his neuter lead to necrotizing fasciitis.
Van (Pj Van Wilder)
The Doppler Famliy
Gotcha Day - April 20, 2021
Van was called to the Rainbow Bridge on December 17, 2024 after a short battle with pelvic osteosarcoma.
Freeze (Gf St Thomas)
The Tycoles Family
Gotcha Day - April 25, 2021
Freeze here – coming to you from Ottawa under somewhat balmy, sunny skies for early Nov. I have been incredibly busy over the course (see what I did – huh huh) of 2024. Not only did I get to ride on a train, a ship and a plane (private), I got tons of car rides – one of my favorite things- everyday. Mummy an’ me are very involved in several non-profits like Ottawa Victim Services where I am their mascot – this is me at this year’s Pride Parade. I also got to “hang” around with a greyt group of Greys at this year’s GrapeHound Wine tour; Mummy an’ me went in February and then went all out in July in Upper State N.Y. The bestest part of my day is when I get to go to the Ottawa Courthouse an’ halp Mummy help others. I am THE Courthouse Dog, and I work there with the OAG. Me an’ Justice Perkins-McVey are the tightest of all. I do up a FUNraising Calendar to help support another charity and this year I gots to be “Mr. September”. Mummy was grumbling as she had to hold me up underneath an’ apawrently I weigh a “ton”. For 2025, I gets to be Sherlock Bones!! I’ve gots to go and have my din-din – Mummy and me are off for another FUNraising event tonight for a little boy battling a rare form of cancer. Treatment is only available in the U.S. So, my life after never racing is so exciting – who knew what a life I would lead (oops, I did it again) up here in the Capital 😊
Luv – Freeze
Tye (Tiger)
The McGrath Family
Gotcha Day - May 1, 2021
Tiger has settled in to his 3rd year with us and despite being 8 years of age continues to display puppy-like energy and teenage antics! Now that hubby has retired, Tiger is enjoying even more daily walks and 5-7k weekly hikes with his other pawrent! He loves exploring new places, is a great car traveller and a masterful deck snoozer! Not much fazes him. Floating dock walk? Been there, done that! Near vertical hiking on the rocky terrain of Eagle's Nest lookout in Bancroft? Nailed it! He definitely has his quirks and still requires firm commands. But like most dogs, Tiger functions better when he knows what is expected of him. He has challenged and changed us and we love him to bits and beyond
Nemo (Me No Care)
The Smith & Simenac Family
Gotcha Day - May 15, 2021
Nemo's doing great and enjoying his senior years...getting more and more grey as time goes on. He's adjusted well to having most of his two-leggers gone off to college and university, and enjoying being his paw-rent's centre of attention. Besides getting spoiled on a daily basis with hugs and kisses, he's enjoying his long walks and has actually made some new 4 legged friends in the neighbourhood (not greyhound but Nemo doesn't discriminate! Haha) Unfortunately Nemo has an archive nemesis "Winston ", the chocolate lab down the street, the pawrents are hoping one day we will get along, but it's not looking promising
Jammie (Atascociata Jamia)
The Elliott Family
Gotcha Day - May 15, 2021
Jammie continues to the be happiest best girl. She enjoys meeting most dogs, chasing squirrels and the occasional raccoon, and trips to Starbucks for pup cups.
Spring (Bl Springbreak)
The Hrynyk Family
Gotcha Day - June 5, 2021
Blaise (Blaise)
The Beckwith Family
Gotcha Day - June 8, 2021
Blaise AKA Miss Sassy Pants, certainly enjoys the days I work from home. She has taken it upon herself to approach my work space followed by a series of ‘greyhound stretches’ about 15 minutes before my work day is done, signalling she is ready for her afternoon walk. Only a couple houses down is Blaise’s miniature schnauzer friend, Avro. He and Blaise enjoy walking and exploring new neighbourhood smells together. And don’t let Avro’s small size fool you, he has no problem keeping pace with Blaise’s long strides.
We are looking forward to new greyhound adventures in 2025.
Marv (Marv Cook)
The Kang & Harvey Family
Gotcha Day - June 11, 2021
Marv was called to the Rainbow Bridge on August 5, 2024 after a courageous battle against hemangiosarcoma
Vroom (Atascocita Vroom)
The Mitchell Family
Gotcha Day - June 24, 2021
Vroom the world traveller's has enjoyed 2024 by sleeping in all the places. He has taken over sofas from Whitby to Charlottetown and even was naught and jumped on Uncle Wayne's bed!! We was very polite and figured out how to lay on Uncle Wayne's sofa and not leave PEI red mud footprints!!
Mary (Mary O'Dare)
The Brockman Family
Gotcha Day - June 25, 2021
Who (Ww The Who)
The Labelle Family
Gotcha Day - July 15, 2021
Who continues to be our miracle Greyhound, and has been seizure-free for 18 months! He still wears his indoor socks to help him with keeping his lanky legs grounded on the hardwood floor, but when he is outside, he can zoomie with the best of them. He loves being outside and will never pass up an opportunity to bathe in the sun. He still amazes us with his speed, his absolute goofiness and ability to bounce back from his stroke last May. Some things haven't changed, like his need to carry around a stuffed animal (his babies) wherever he goes, and his love of sticking his cold, wet nose in your face while you're napping on the couch! And he loves talking to us, telling us when it's time for supper or a walk. He can get pretty vocal and demanding! Overall, Who has had a great 2024, living his best retired life getting spoiled almost daily with new toys, marrow bones from the butcher, long walks, dried sardines and lots and lots of pets. We love this big galoot!
Justin (Brc Justin)
The Skelton Family
Gotcha Day - July 16, 2021
Justin was called to the Rainbow Bridge on June 29, 2024 after a valiant fight against osteosarcoma.
Buddy (Buddy)
The Lee Family
Gotcha Day - July 16, 2021
Buddy was called to the Rainbow Bridge on July 16, 2021.
Tag (Gf Gurkha)
The Pioro & Dupuis-MacDonald Family
Gotcha Day - July 16, 2021
It didn't take long after getting Hunter (Hunter, GGA Class of 2023) for Tag to realize he was a big brother and he takes this job very seriously. He is always trying to get Hunter to play, when Hunter is not sure of something Tag will take the lead and show him it is ok and when Hunter gets put away Tag is sure to stay by his side. And Hunter has brought out the puppy in Tag, giving him a refreshed energy. Over the summer Tag tried to show his little brother how awesome the beach is, Tag's favorite place, however, Hunter is still not quite buying it. Likely still annoyed the water splashed him when he tried to bite it. Hunter does love all the smells and is learning to put up with the water as long as his big brother is close by. These two are always at their best when together.
Timber (Amf Pan Tan)
The Kalinina & Patrushev Family
Gotcha Day - July 24, 2021
Big G (Rs's Buckeyebuck)
The Mendoza & Hemeon Family
Gotcha Day - August 4, 2021
G is doing well. He's still the same diva princess he's always been. Whiney, pushy & demanding at times, but healthy and content. He is mainly enjoying Yara's company now, but when she gets too crazy for his liking, he just waits it out in one of the crates. He likes routine more than adventure, so he's been loving how dull our lives have been for the past year.
Caitlyn (Amf Lucy Goosey)
The Crampton Family
Gotcha Day - August 4, 2021
Caitlyn is doing very well! Enjoying her walks and naps in the sun! Her favorite person is Mike and her morning cuddle and scritches.
Tommy (Ja's Tomorrow)
The Merrithew & McColl Family
Gotcha Day - August 8, 2021
Tommy went to the Rainbow Bridge on November 14, 2021 as a result of using a retractable leash.
Farci (Amf Suburbanite)
The Hennin Family
Gotcha Day - August 13, 2021
Farcie, always shy but lovable, is settling in wonderfully! Though she's a bit reserved around new faces, her gentle and sweet nature wins everyone over. Her favorite activity? Car rides! The moment she hears the car keys jingle, she won't leave my side, and she's ready to hop in. With each drive, Farcie seems to gain more confidence, peeking out the window and soaking in all the sights. This sweet girl may be shy, but with her love for adventure and her warm heart, she's already made a lasting impression on everyone she meets.
Slick (Ww Slick Move)
The Rosevear Family
Gotcha Day - August 18, 2021
Slick was called to the Rainbow Bridge on January 31, 2022 after a catastrophic incident lead to heat stroke.
Prissy (Racy Prissy)
The Berendsen Family
Gotcha Day - August 20, 2021
This past year, Prissy and her two legger traded city life for the beach! Her days now start and end with beach walks at sunrise and sunset, where she digs to her heart's content and shows off her zoomies in the sand.
Beyond her beach days, Prissy has continued to be quite the seasoned explorer and had her paws in some of Ontario's most beautiful places. She’s enjoyed hikes all over Ontario —exploring Manitoulin Island and many spots on the Bruce Peninsula. She has even found her lake legs, braving ferry rides on the Chi-Cheemaun, the Flowerpot Island ferry, and the Pelee Island ferry. Prissy remains the neighborhood’s beloved snuggle bug, spreading joy to every two-legger and four-legger she meets. She has also made a new best friend—Hank the Boxer! These two are inseparable, meeting up regularly for games of tag and sunny naps. Whether she’s exploring the trails or cozying up with Hank, Prissy is living her best life by the lake.
Gino (Brc Gino)
The Sibley Family
Gotcha Day - August 22, 2021
2024 marks our third year together, and things have never been better in our little household. Gino loves to spend his days sprawling on his beds, saving up his energy just in case another bunny shows up in our backyard. Whenever the human finishes another jar of peanut butter, Gino gets to clean it up - what a treat! Gino frolics in the backyard, sometimes getting so into his squeaky toy play that he bucks like a wild bronco, making the human burst out laughing every time. He also enjoys the sweater that the human knit for him last year! It has smiley face buttons. So cute. Gino loves to meet new humans on his daily walks, and he can always tell when they are giving him compliments. Yes, he is beautiful, thank you for noticing!
Res (Ja's Resilient)
The Molnar & Pannell Family
Gotcha Day - August 27, 2021
After loosing the rest of his greyhound pack due to old age over the last two years Res is currently an only dog. His feline sister Gizmo continues to rule the roost. Res packed his boxes this Summer and joined his humans in a move from Florida to Aurora, Colorado. He is quickly learning what it means to be a Mountain Hound. He loves the cooler weather, enjoys his new park, and is looking forward to some more exploration in the Spring. He has had to learn what stairs are, and he is happy to report that he flies up and down them faster than his humans. He is not all that impressed with the Canadian sand that comes and goes, he wants GGA HQ to come and pick up their drunk weather and take it home. But overall he has done very well with his move.
Damon (Damon)
The Shyback Family
Gotcha Day - September 2, 2021
Damon was called to the Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2024 after a pathological break from osteosarcoma.
Bug (Coi's Bugger)
The Campagna & Pappas Family
Gotcha Day - September 5, 2021
Cia (Gf Plasencia)
The Mitchell & Norilla Family
Gotcha Day - September 5, 2021
Cia was called to the Rainbow Bridge on August 3, 2024 after an valiant fight against osteosarcoma.
Jojo (Surfin Jo)
The Menzies & Mironovic Family
Gotcha Day - September 11, 2021
Another year with Jojo means another year of endless laughs and love. Jojo turned 5 this year but she still has the spunk of a teenager. Jojo of course enjoys to nap and roach for hours on end, but she also demands her fair share of play time and wrestling with her dad. She still loves her stuffies and her collection just keeps on growing. This year we continued to take Jojo on a variety of trips with us – she particularly loved the beach at Grand Bend and her visits to her aunty in downtown Toronto never disappoint. Jojo is very spoiled and even has her own portrait hanging above her food bowl. She is loved by everyone she meets and really is the prettiest girl there ever was so can you blame us?
Gravy (Amf Count Doggie)
The Dziver & Herta Family
Gotcha Day - September 11, 2021
Gravy is doing great! He is the best boy, is so well-mannered, and always recevies compliments everywhere we go because he's just so darn cute. He's come a long way since we first got him, is very affectionate, and is absolutely spoiled. He loves going for walks and car rides—especially to go see grandma and grandpa, who spoil him with treats. When he's not enjoying visits and the car, he's enjoying the couch and his toys. He brings our family so much joy every day, and we are so lucky to have him.
Lad (Ponda's Waco Lad)
The Taylor Family
Gotcha Day - September 26, 2021
Laddie has had a great year – his third with us! While he’s no longer a spring chicken at 8 and a half, Lad still does his little happy bounces when he gets fed, and when we are about to go for a walk – two of his favourite things in retirement.
Lad has kept himself busy with his recently created Instagram account, posting clips of all the hilarious things he does (LadTheGreyhound – check out the one about how he eats his cookie…it is the perfect representation of him!). Other highlights of this year include being reunited with his brother Hound and having several sleepovers with his nephew Tarzan.
If you have waited all year since the last GGA annual newsletter for part II of Lad’s adventures with the speaking buttons, to find out if you can teach an old dog new tricks…well, we realized that for the buttons we created, Lad already had very clear ways to communicate his wants. For example, if he wants a treat, he will just go and stare at his food cupboard…and then at you. If he needs to go outside, he simply waits by the back door. If he wants to go for walkies, he will jump up every time you make a move when it’s close to the time of his usual walks. As such, we’ve recently started working on a button called ‘cups’ where we play a game hiding a treat underneath one of three cups. So far, he hasn’t made the connection between the game and the button, but we haven’t been trying for too long. You will just have to wait for next year’s newsletter to find out if he is indeed a genius athlete (on second thought…maybe don’t watch the IG post of him eating his cookie ).
Utopia (Hashtag Utopia)
The Lee Family
Gotcha Day - September 30, 2021
Utopia was called to the Rainbow Bridge on January 31, 2022 after a catastrophic incident lead to heat stroke.
Shawshank (SNL Shawshank)
The Aiello & Jaworski Family
Gotcha Day - October 16, 2021
Shawshank was called to the Rainbow Bridge on November 30, 2024 after suffering a neurological episode.
Rocket (Ww Ancestry)
The West Family
Gotcha Day - October 22, 2021
Rocket has had an active 2024! The older I get, the more energy he seems to have. We took him on a great hike up a portion of the Bruce trail, and as much as we got lost he truely was home amongst the trees. His never ending fondness for cuddles and treats makes him a great pal because that's what we're all about. We've had a few growing pains, but with a lot of patience, we've kept each other on the right track. He is an endless source of laughs and we're so happy he's made himself part of the family:) at he was probably hoping for!
Boa (Cet Boa)
The Lee Family
Gotcha Day - October 24, 2021
Boa was called to the Rainbow Bridge on January 31, 2022 after a catastrophic incident lead to heat stroke.
Haven (RTSS Smithereens)
The Mayers Family
Gotcha Day - October 26, 2021
Haven and Ruth (Ruthbadrginsburg, GGA Class of 2021) had an extended stay in Nova Scotia this summer at their summer home as their Mummy retired. The girls spent most of their time trying to enjoy Blue Jays baseball when they were not out for walks in the neighborhood trying to chase off local herds of deer who sadly think they are right at home in backyards, gardens and local streets. They would definitely give the deer a run for their money if they were not on leash!!!They are now settled back at home in Ontario enjoying the fall sunshine and warm weather. Their favorite activities are lounging on the back deck with Dad while he enjoys his morning coffee.
Ruth (Ruthbadrginsburg)
The Mayers Family
Gotcha Day - November 6, 2021
Ruth and Haven (Rtss Smithereens, GGA Class of 2021) had an extended stay in Nova Scotia this summer at their summer home as their Mummy retired. The girls spent most of their time trying to enjoy Blue Jays baseball when they were not out for walks in the neighborhood trying to chase off local herds of deer who sadly think they are right at home in backyards, gardens and local streets. They would definitely give the deer a run for their money if they were not on leash!!!They are now settled back at home in Ontario enjoying the fall sunshine and warm weather. Their favorite activities are lounging on the back deck with Dad while he enjoys his morning coffee.
Bobby (Kb's Cowboy)
The Shank Family
Gotcha Day - November 27, 2021
Missile (Go On Missle)
The McNeely Family
Gotcha Day - November 27, 2021
Hook (Ww Gotthehook Up)
The McCrickard & Almeida Family
Gotcha Day - November 28, 2021
Hook has had another fantastic year here with us. The highlight for him was his first trip to Vancouver Island, he and Frank both loved exploring the beaches!
He’s happy and healthy, and regularly meeting his 4 million pets per day quota.
Dagar (Mv'sDagar)
The Parrott & Tulk Family
Gotcha Day - December 22, 2021
Dagar has had an especially exciting 2024! We moved to a new house in March with a big yard for zoomies and then in July we welcomed another hound, Heather (UBX Start Over, GGA Class of 2024) into our family. Heather needed a greyhound housemate in her forever home and Dagar wanted a friend so it was a perfect match! Despite some initial timidness around loud noises (though in her defense, even I'm spooked by the sound of wood chippers sometimes) she settled in and has really come out of her shell. She's turned out to be quite the goofball, gathering all of her (and Dagar's) toys on her bed then lying on top of the pile like a dragon guarding its hoard. Dagar's loved having a friend to race in the backyard (they've carved an impressive dirt track in the grass) and both hounds have become quite the neighbourhood fashionistas in their matching collars and coats. We're all looking forward to a 2025 filled with zoomies, snoozing, and (in Heather's case) roaching.